Achievement through Happy Learning

Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Dodd

Year 1 teacher

Mrs Jones

Year 1 teacher/SENDco

Mrs Kearon

Year 1 teacher

Welcome to Year 1: Orange Class and Yellow Class 






Please find below information about reading for pleasure as well as the year group's photo gallery and calendar. 



Phonics is the way in which we teach your child to read. At Hatton Hill, we use the Read Write Inc scheme to give your child the very best start to their reading journey. The clip below explains what phonics is and why your child is learning to read using phonics: 

This video is also really useful as it shows you how to say the phonic sounds:


Once you are confident and know how to say the sounds, there are further ways in which you can support your child:



Other useful information for parents can be found here:  Your contributions are really valued. 


Reading for Pleasure

At Hatton Hill we place a high priority on encouraging children to read for pleasure. Reading for pleasure (this means reading with free will and for the pure joy of it) will help your child suceed in school and in life. Children who are keen readers don’t only get better at reading and writing, they develop wider vocabulary and broader knowledge about the world. Reading can also make a significant contribution to the wellbeing of every individual. 

Below are some recommended reads and also short films made by The Open University which are designed to support you in sharing books with your child(ren). Conversationally, enjoyably, and effectively, Book Chat develops children's language, comprehension, and pleasure. Please take the time to watch this clip as it will help you help your child enter the fascinating world of reading!




Our Bookshelf of Shared Stories

When we extended our school day by 10 minutes, we dedicated that time to listening to stories. Listening to stories stimulates our brains and allows us to explore the world, as well as the lives and experiences of different characters. Here are some of  the books Year 1 has read so far this year: 


6 dinner dis.jpg Julian the mermaid.jpg Coat of Many Coloues.jpg Polar Express.jpg Leaf theif.jpg mixed.jpg
Talk like a river.jpg perfect fit.jpg rainbow fish.jpg colour monster.jpg boy who loved.jpg troll.jpg
bathe the cat.jpg smegs and smoods.jpg smartest giant.jpg worrysaurus.jpg    



Healthy Children 

We know that sometimes our pupils cannot come to school because they are really unwell - and that's the right thing to do for them and other students. Medical advice is clear however that children with mild illness will often be well enough to attend - for example if they have a cough, or cold, without a temperature. The NHS guidance Is my child too ill for school? - NHS ( is designed to support parents in their decision making about mild illness. 

We also know that pupils fall behind their friends and classmates when they miss school. At Hatton Hill School we want the amount of missed education to be reduced as much as possible. We believe that our community is stronger together, with all of our pupils in school, on time, every day. We are building life skills, life-long friendships and preparing your child for future success. 

It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school, nursery or playgroup when they're unwell. The information below is designed to help you make a decision, however if you are concerned about your child, always seek medical advice. 


Is my child too ill for school? 


Alder Hey Symptom Checker: Please see below a poster and short video clip explaining Alder Hey's new support service in the form of an easy to use symptom checker. This will help parents decide how to best access the appropriate level of care for a poorly child:

Alder Hey's Symptom Checker.png


School Nurse Attend Anywhere Appointments: The School Health Team is not currently offering face-to-face drop-in sessions at our school. Instead, Attend Anywhere Appointments are being offered online. A leaflet explaining this can be found below and dates on which the service is being offered will be emailed to you and appear on our school calendar. If you are unable to attend either of the allocated sessions but still wish to speak to the school health team. Please contact the team on:

Tel: 0151 247 6354 or via email: [email protected].


Files to Download

Year 1: Gallery items

Red Nose Day Fundraiser, by Mrs James

Christingle, by Mrs James

Year 1: Calendar items

Year 1 Indoor PE, by Mrs James

Year 1 Outdoor PE, by Mrs James

Find Us
Hatton Hill Primary School Alwyn Avenue,
L21 9NZ
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Get in Touch
Anna James Headteacher
0151 928 7012 [email protected]
Our Values

Our Values are not unique They are the values that underpin our society and allow us to live in a nation which strives, through its laws and actions, to be responsible, tolerant and inclusive. They are supported by our work towards Rights Respecting Schools.