Admission Arrangements
We welcome new children and families to our community and we would be proud to show you round our happy school. Please contact our office on: 0151 928 7012 to make an appointment.
Hatton Hill Primary School follows Sefton’s Admission Criteria. Whether your child is starting in Reception or moving schools, details can be found by following the link below or contacting Sefton’s Admissions team on: 0151 934 3590.
Sefton School Admissions
Sefton Schools Admission Information Guide 2025-6 (PDF)
We have also provided a summary and direct links to documents below:
Admissions Criteria for Hatton Hill Primary
After the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan which names the school and where there are more applications than places available, the following admissions criteria will be applied in order, to allocate places.
1) Looked after children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order,or special guardianship order). *
2) Sibling - Children who have a brother or sister living in the same house who already attends the primary school of their choice, provided they will still be in attendance at the school in September 2023. Sibling is defined in these arrangements as step-children, foster children and half-brothers and sisters, adopted brothers and sisters or children of the parent(s)/carer(s)’s
partner, living in the same family unit at the same address. (1)
3) Children of staff where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the admission application for the school is made, and/or where the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage. (1)
Parent(s)/carer(s) must state the employee’s name on their admission application form.
Details will be validated by the school.
4) Distance - Children in order, of proximity of their home to school, measured as per the tie
breaker clause shown below. (1)
*See glossary for full definition
Tie Breaker Clause
(1) If it is not possible to offer places for all applications within any criteria then priority will be given to those living closest to the school measured by the shortest walking distance from the child’s home. We will measure from the property’s address point, to the nearest school gate (using recognised routes known to the Local Authority at the time of measurement).
Parents Guide: Applying for a School Place (PDF)

In-Year Admissions
Guidance Notes for parents/carers for children moving into Sefton or moving house to another area within Sefton.
Please see files below:
In-Year School Admissions Form (PDF)
In-Year Admissions: A Guide for Parents (PDF)
School-to-School Transfers
Guidance Notes for parents/carers who want to transfer their child from one school to a Sefton School where the transfer is requested for other reasons than a house move.
School-to-School Transfers: A Guide for Parents (PDF)
In-Year School Transfer Form (T1) (PDF)
Nursery Education
Hatton Hill Primary School has a thriving Nursery offering 52 fifteen-hour places. Morning or afternoon sessions are offered, with wrap-around care available from footprints@hattonhill (see below). Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a visit. An application form can be found below and should be returned to the school office or emailed to: [email protected]. Paper copies are available from the office and our Learning Mentor, Mrs Hickey, will support parents to complete the form if needed.
We are proud to work with First Steps Enterprise who provide a range of childcare to meet each family’s needs.
For more information visit: or call 0151 665 0160