Achievement through Happy Learning


Curriculum Statement

Our motto: ‘Achievement though Happy Learning’ underpins school life at Hatton Hill. We know our children have the best chance of fulfilling their potential if they are happy. We also want our children to enjoy their education so that they will want to continue learning throughout their lives. School years should be happy years.

As such, our curriculum is extremely important to us as it is the planned learning experiences for the children in our school. It will help shape future successes. 

To ensure our curriculum meets the expected national standards, the National Curriculum Programmes of Study have been woven into a sequence of engaging experiences and opportunities based on clear intents for learning through which our pupils build a foundation of knowledge whilst developing understanding and constantly practising key skills.

Our ‘Connected Curriculum’ allows our children to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills unique to each subject whilst making links with their wider understanding of the world and their own experiences. For example, to fully appreciate the story, ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’, children must understand the nocturnal nature of an owl. The Connected Curriculum (bringing together knowledge from different areas of the curriculum) encourages children to make links between subject specific knowledge and understanding to develop as critical thinkers, problem solvers and creative individuals. The Connected Curriculum also includes enrichment activities with visitors, themed days and excursions continuing to provide an important part of children's learning.

Reading, writing and mathematics are given the highest priority as these key and transferable skills are essential tools. High standards in these core subjects are the essential building blocks for future learning success in all subjects. 

Children’s day-to-day experience of the curriculum within the classroom is tailored to individual needs. Children are both stretched and supported. We expect the highest standards from each child whilst effectively supporting the learning of children with a wide-range of additional needs. Difference is celebrated and the unique characteristics of all our children is valued.

Underpinning our whole curriculum is a commitment to developing the whole child. We want Hatton Hill pupils to be kind, resilient children who will be responsible citizens. Our PHSE curriculum, the celebration of British Values and enrichments experiences, such as Mini Police, encourage our children to begin to comprehend the wider world and develop empathy. Children are also encouraged to discuss and question their understanding of our ever-changing world. School is a safe space to debate tricky issues so that each child’s moral compass is developed. Importantly, key adults are available to support children’s well-being as they navigate the learning which goes beyond our formal curriculum, such as friendships.

Each teacher is responsible for leading an area of the curriculum. Our curriculum lead and subject leaders closely monitor the progress children make across the curriculum by monitoring books and talking to our children. Pupil voice helps shape our school and success in the curriculum as the children provide unique insights, for example, pupils recently told us they would be more confident in PE if they could wear dark coloured t-shirts instead of white. The teachers and governors appreciated and agreed with their point of view so a change to uniform was made!

Parents are our partners and we greatly value the contribution parents make to their children’s education by supporting our school and encouraging learning at home, whether that be taking a trip to a museum or reading at bedtime. Please follow the links below to find out more about what your child will be learning and to view the end of year expectations for reading, writing and maths. If you would like any further information about the curriculum or how to support your child’s learning, please contact your child’s classteacher or our deputy and curriculum lead, Mrs Frazer.  

Intent and Impact

Our curriculum Intent and Impact sheets help children to understand what they will learn and what they need to know. The sheets also highlight the important vocabulary which children should understand. Parents can help their child by talking about the subject; visiting museums or borrowing books from the library. You can also use the questions on the sheet to find out how much your child knows! Thank you.

Find Us
Hatton Hill Primary School Alwyn Avenue,
L21 9NZ
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Get in Touch
Anna James Headteacher
0151 928 7012 [email protected]
Our Values

Our Values are not unique They are the values that underpin our society and allow us to live in a nation which strives, through its laws and actions, to be responsible, tolerant and inclusive. They are supported by our work towards Rights Respecting Schools.