The School Day
Pre-School: Nursery
Nursery children enter school via the nursery entrance at the start of each session and are collected from the same point. There will be a member of staff to welcome your child into school and to hand them back into your care.
Morning Session | Lunch (30 Hour attenders) | Afternoon Session |
08:45-11:45 | 11:45-12:15 | 12:15-15:15 |
Children attend for 15 or 30 hours.
School: Reception to Year 6
To ensure a settled start to the school day, children can enter the school building from 08:45 via the infant gates where a member of staff will be standing to greet you. Registration takes place at 08:55 when the school day of learning starts. Lessons end at 15:25 and children will be dismissed shortly after.
Children should be dropped and collected from their classroom door.
Learning - Continuous Provision | Lunch | Learning - Continuous Provision |
08:55-11:50 | 11:50-12:50 | 12:50-15:25 |
Children attend school for 32.5 hours (6.5 hours per day)
Years 1 and 2
Learning | Break | Learning | Lunch | Learning | Break | Learning |
08:55-10:30 | 10:30-10:45 | 10:45-11:50 | 11:50-12:50 | 12:50-14:00 | 14:00-14:15 | 14:15-15:25 |
Children attend school for 32.5 hours (6.5 hours per day)
Juniors (Years 3 to 6)
To ensure a settled start to the school day, children can enter the school building from 08:45. Registration takes place at 08:55 when the school day of learning starts. Lessons end at 15:25 and children will be dismissed shortly after.
Children should be dropped off at the entrance to the junior playground where a member of staff (usually Mrs James ) will be waiting to greet them. At the end of the day, children will be taken onto the playground and lined up by their classteacher. Parents should enter the school playground from 15:20, stand so you are visible to classteacher and wait until your child is sent to you.
Please stand on the playground away from the classrooms and steps.
Learning | Break | Learning | Lunch | Learning |
08:55-10:40 | 10:40-10:55 | 10:55-12:15 | 12:15-13:15 | 13:15-15:25 |
Children attend school for 32.5 hours (6.5 hours per day)
End of Day Arrangements: Years 3, 4 and 5
Parents should waiting in the green area, away from the classroom windows and doorways. Please do not wait in the red area as this prevents children from exiting the school. Children will line up with their class (yellow), behind the white barriers (white) from where they will be dismissed.
See full instruction on letter below.
End of Day Arrangements: Year 6
Year 6 are dismissed from the front of school. They will line up with their teachers to await collection by the main entrance.