Achievement through Happy Learning

The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra

Lesson: Music

Class: Year 3 Year: 2024 - 2025

Our visit to the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra was amazing. We had brilliant seats, close to the stage, enabling us to see up-close the range of instruments. The concert focused on Liverpool’s rich and diverse culture through music. We also had the opportunity to sing with the orchestra and even dance! Children’s behaviour was exemplary. We thank parents for supporting our trip through donations making such experiences possible.

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Hatton Hill Primary School Alwyn Avenue,
L21 9NZ
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Anna James Headteacher
0151 928 7012 [email protected]
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Our Values are not unique They are the values that underpin our society and allow us to live in a nation which strives, through its laws and actions, to be responsible, tolerant and inclusive. They are supported by our work towards Rights Respecting Schools.