Summer Reading Success
Lesson: Literacy
Class: Nursery Year: 2024 - 2025
Congratulations to the children who completed the Summer Reading Challenge over the six-week summer holiday. I am delighted to announce that we came third in our category which is an amazing achievement! Thank you to Rikki and Adam from Bootle Library for visiting us to award the certificates.
Whilst celebrating this success, I took the opportunity to remind the children about the Blue Peter Reading Badge. To earn the reading badge, children must share their thoughts on a book, draw a character or scene, and talk about other books and writers they enjoy. Children will be awarded a special badge and you can then apply for a Blue Peter card which will get children in many attractions free: If your child would like to earn their badge, they can ask for a form from their classteacher and if you return the form, school will post them to Blue Peter. More information can be found here: